Friday, June 25, 2010

The Shack>of hope

At work about 2 weeks ago one of my girlfriends was at her desk reading a book that seemed to have captivated all of her. Being a avid book reader I was curious about the book she was reading. She told me only a small amount about the plot and that as a Christian I really should read this book. A few days later she dropped it off at my desk for me borrow and gave me a warning. "Don't read this at work, you will cry. I had to stop reading here because of the emotions." So I took it home curious of it's contents. That night I read a few pages and due to the feelings that surfaced I put it down and didn't pick it back up again for about a week. Instead I focused on a book that did nothing for me. Finally after searching for another book to read and finding the only book in my posession that I had not read yet was The Shack. So I settled down determined to read this book. I don't want to give away the contents of this seemingly magical gem of understanding, heartwrenching, and leaving you breathless story.
It is so relatable that I felt like the character. It's so hard to not give away anything. We are all imperfect and have many different issues as Christians and this book has the ability to bring healing. I have come to find that what I thought was a relationship with my heavenly Father was nothing more then what the world has told me it should be. After reading this book and praying in a different way to MY Papa, feeling him surround me and seeing the changes in my life...well, it's exciting and healing to say the least. Buy yourself a copy and one for everyone in your family. You will not regret it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Salem Rain

Is it odd that I am more incline to open my windows when it's raining rather then when it is sunny? There is something about the rain that draws me in. The intoxicating smell, the sounds of it coming down, and the way it washes everything clean. Living in Oregon is a plus for all of this. Rather then staring out an apartment window I would prefer to be out in the woods, tucked away in a cabin. But alas it is June and the sun is right around the corner. As soon as it hits I will be a happy bird ready to get outside and play. No real reason for this post other then sitting by the window and smelling the clean air.